Welcome! It is our main focus to make sure our rules and regulations for Divide Creek are meant to ensure that everyone on site enjoys the beautiful environment while staying safe during the visit.
Please stay on trails and designated camp areas only…We try very hard to protect the native plants on location…we hope you will help us by doing the same and teaching your children the importance of staying on the trails.
- Everyone must be registered or check in before entering the campground!!
- Be Courteous of other Campers – You are morally and financially responsible for the conduct of yourself, your children and your pets! Consider the privacy of others as you walk and bicycle on site and in the surrounding areas. DO NOT enter other camp sites. Please display your reservation slip in clear site at the site or on your vehicle’s dash in clear site.
- COVID-19 COMPLIANCE – Before registering all visitors must complete a confidential health questionnaire and agree to comply with the COVID-19 compliance regulations set forth by the Blackfeet Reservation, CDC and Glacier County Health officials before gaining any access to the campground.
- Speed Limit is 5 mph!! There are elders, children and dogs on the grounds at all time.
- Check out time is 11 am. Late check out will result in paying for another day.
- SMOKE FREE campground!! You may smoke inside your vehicle or off the property. The obvious main concern is not to throw out or drop cigarette butts or matches.
- Pet Policy: Pet Owners please sign separate form.
- Quiet Hours: 10 p.m to 8 a.m!! Be considerate if you arrive late…Avoid Car Alarms…music or loud voices. No generators. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO REFUSE SERVICE TO ANYONE WHO VIOLATES THIS RULE!!
- NO OPEN FLAMES beyond the designated fire pits. Fires should never be left unattended and must be completely extinguished prior to leaving site or going to sleep. PLEASE do not move fire rings. No campfires after 10 p.m. Please don’t gather firewood or break branches off trees or shrubs. Firewood is available for purchase at the office.
- FOOD STORAGE – must be kept in coolers and in your vehicle or Bear Proof containers when no being consumed. Do not leave food or cookware at any time! If you need us to store anything at the office please feel free!! Anything left out and unattended will be held at the office until claimed. Violation of food storage regulations may result in a $75 fine and/or confiscation of improperly stored items.
- TRASH: Bear proof trash cans are available on site. Mandatory that all food or waste items to be stored in your vehicle or in a Bear Proof container when not in use.
- DO NOT FEED THE WILD ANIMALS!! We are in Bear and Mountain Lion country. Remember a fed bear is a dead bear!
- RIVER SAFETY- Please stay back from the river’s edge when hiking the trails. There obviously is not a life guard on site so please watch your children and pets at ALL TIMES!! The river gets swift at times and is very dangerous!! We encourage life jackets and bug spray for your children and pets!
- CHILDREN AND PETS SHOULD NOT BE LEFT UNATTENDED AT ANYTIME!! – Unattended children will be given an espresso and a free puppy…kidding 😉
- Stay on the Trails at all times!
Emergency phone numbers: Please call 911 for any emergencies.
Sorry for all the don’ts but they are the necessary reminders that help to keep us safe in this environment.
Thank you very much for your understanding and cooperation…we hope you enjoy your stay. We would appreciate it if you help us by letting us know if you have any problems or witness anyone breaking any of the above rules.
The Management!